Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Books- your window to the world

This is the stack of books I have to get through before the end of this week, and somehow I feel that's pretty impossible. I've finished Shopaholic & Baby and How to Eat like a Hot Chick (yes, seeing as most of my posts are about food, I thought I'd better eat more healthily. But that book made me go out and eat tiramisu! Rarr. It's ok, I've eaten more spinach and cos lettuce to make up for it. Basically I've reverted to eating more fresh produce and they are yummy).

Everyone laughed at me when I bought Passion @ Work because well, if you know me, you'd know my current work doesn't rate high on my list of Fun Things to Do. I'd rather gouge my eyeballs out with a pitchfork. Her story is inspiring plus what attracted me to the book was the fact that she was a manager in BHP Billiton- my current client and a rather interesting and dynamic one at that. I'm a few pages into the book and so far I'm seeing eye-to-eye with it as life is not all about the moolah. Though it would come in handy when I buy that Birkin a few 20 years down the road.

Shantaram- boy let's not even talk about it. It's taken me more than 3 months to even get halfway with this book. There's no climax! No peak! It's one mundane event dragged out one after another. I give myself till the end of November 2010 to finish this :D Seriously, I think the most interesting part about this book is the synopsis.

I recently finished the Lost Symbol and A Thousand Splendid Suns. Let's just say A Thousand Splendid Suns was amazing and the Lost Symbol pales in comparison. I don't know why I bother with Dan Brown sometimes. He writes like he's going in circles and then he leads you out of the maze and into the clear. Takes forever to get to the point.

I used to read like a maniac when I was younger- one book after another. Always spending time at the bookshop waiting for the latest book in the Sweet Valley series to be put on the shelf. My bookshelf is testament to the fact that I'm one of their biggest fans. I'm glad I read so much though- it really does open your eyes up to the world and introduce you to a lot more around you .Knowledge that otherwise you would have no other way of knowing. I also devoured magazines like there was no tomorrow. Recently I've slowed down- magazines are crap and they all contain the same thing. With books, I just haven't had the time and patience to read.....but maybe I shall.

Better get onto it stack of books, that is.

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