What do parents buy when they come over for a visit? PLENTY of vitamin supplements! Just look...
You'd assume that Woolies know their items insideoutupsidedown but I think they need a bit more education in the Vegetable department.
Sister made cheesesticks with puff pastry (if only you could try some, they were so tasty!) and decided to put the gingerbread cookie cutter to good use...
The gingerbreadmen cheesepuffs came out PUFFY! Hahaha, so cute. Mr. SuperPUFF to the rescue!
After which we went to Williamstown for some crepe flambe! Look my crepe is ON FIRE!
Bacon for breakfast again <3. Bacon is my personal alarm clock. Works everytime!
Sister was reunited with her Gingerbread bfs since meeting them in HK one Christmas ago...This time they were in a shop window in Glen Waverley.
I still have no plans for NYE and it's tonight!! The city's gonna be packed, the weather is a scorching 35 degrees and storms have been predicted for later in the night. Sounds like it's a good idea to stay in. Spent the day (ok, fine...mom made them. My sis and I just decorated them since we have the combined talents of Picasso and Dali) making and creating these..
Here's wishing everyone a happy 2010!!
gingerman at boxhill not glenny u noob